"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair)
of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you
may know each other (not that you may despise (each other). Verily the
most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous
of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)"
Al-Qur'an, 49:13
Let us cite a practical example. When we buy an electrical and/electronic appliance, we are given an operating manual from the manufacturer. This manual tells us how to use the appliance and how to look after it so that it provides us with the best service. Likewise, as Allah has created mankind, He is the one Who knows best how human beings should lead their lives on earth. It is the duty of all individuals to learn about Allah and to live according to His will. But we cannot accomplish these by ourselves. Therefore, Allah has sent divine guidance from heaven from time to time to His chosen messengers and prophets on earth to guide humanity. He sent many messenger on earth since Adam was sent. The actual number of them is known to Allah alone. However, we have come to learn the names of some great messengers of Allah through the various holy scriptures. Some of them are:
1. Adam
2. Noah (Nuh)
3. Abraham (Ibrahim)
4. Isaac (Isahaq)
5. Jacob (Yacub-who was later surnamed as 'Israel' by Allah. 'Israel'-means
Soldier of Allah)
6. Joseph (Yuosuf)
7. Moses (Musa),
8. David (Dawud)
9. Jesus (Esa),
10. Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them).
All of these chosen individuals have brought the same message and have served as examples to their people of how Allah desires all human beings to live. Through these selected people, we have been told why mankind was created, what will happen to us after death, and what Allah expects of us. But most importantly, we have been told that Allah is unique-He has no partners, no sons or daughters, and no competitors.
All the Prophets and Messengers of Allah preached the same guidance
from Allah and they asked others to follow the guidance. The name of the
guidance was ISLAM-which means the
complete submission of one's will and desire to the will of Allah,
the Creator and Sustainer. A Muslim
is he, who believes in ISLAM (submits
to the will of Allah) and acts according to its guidance.